Always a Next One is free on Tuesday, September 18th

 Get a free download of my collection of short stories about animal rescue titled Always a Next One on Amazon tomorrow–that’s Tuesday, September 18th.

Here’s a link to the book.

But you’ve got to wait past midnight, when the price drops to zero. Zip. Nada cent.

Spoiler alert: you have no excuses. No animals die in my short stories. I prefer to get people to laugh rather than to make them cry.

Even the tear jerkers are guaranteed to have happy endings!

Tell your family. Tell your friends. Tell friends of your family.

Tell anyone you know who owns a Kindle.

Actually, tell everybody you think would enjoy short stories about fostering animals for our local Humane Society–free downloads of Kindle readers are available for Windows and Mac.

Anybody who loves animals and knows how to read ought to get a free copy of my book, while they are available.

I mean, it is FREE.

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