Christian atheists

Some words just don't seem to go together. For example, there's honest politician. Another phrase that seems somewhat oxymoronic is lucky loser. And then there's Christian atheist. Seriously? How can anyone be an atheist and a Christian? The contradiction of the two terms seems painfully obvious. The short answer is, you can't. This isn't another way of describing Christian apostasy -- apostates tend to be activists, relentless and very aggressive with their attacks on Christianity. Many Christian apostates not only reject the tenets of their former faith, they seek to eradicate belief in weak Christians. Wikipedia defined a Christian atheist as someone who rejects belief in any sort of a supernatural God, but tries to emulate the moral example of Jesus. I must admit that I've never encountered a Christian atheist before -- in fact, the only person that might have fit the description of one was Mahatma Gandhi, and he was murdered years before I was born. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem to make any sense to reject that Jesus was the Christ, yet make him your primary role model. Let's face facts -- Jesus wasn't real big on having fun, was he? Think about it...if atheism really is true, and Darwin's theory about how life randomly descended into modern animals without rhyme or reason, then the only sensible rule for society should truly be survival of the fittest. Every man for himself and woman for herself, and get all you can while you can. After all, you're going to die soon enough, and there goes your chance to lie, cheat, steal, commit … [Read more...]