Student loans

Not long ago, a friend asked me to support a “movement” to forgive all outstanding student loans. What, a bowel movement? My response to him was not just no, but Hell, No! My parents paid off my student loans. I’m doing the same for my son. He's currently saving money to go back to school. Actions have consequences. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. These phrases became clichés precisely because they are true. After she’s pregnant, it’s too late to say you don’t want to be a father. Nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to attend Harvard. Take what you want, but pay for it yourself. Oh wait, sorry. My bad. I forgot about the “convenience” called abortion. That subject was still taboo when I was single. In those days, women weren’t proud to have aborted a baby. Instead, they were ashamed they let themselves get impregnated by a jerk. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal these days. Of course, “back in the day,” abortions were self funded and not covered by any medical plans. Now, the self-proclaimed “have-nots” want the mysterious “haves” to give them anything they desire, and the soup du jour is a free college education. Obama is playing to that class warfare crowd, moaning about the expense of higher education without examining the actual costs. This political advertisement claims “student loan debt exceeds one trillion dollars.” But has anyone asked the question, why? What makes college so expensive? The liberal answer to the rising cost of education seems to be that it should be free, simply because it costs too much. Really? … [Read more...]