The American worker versus H1-B visa employees

I'm, I'm begging you. If you read this post, please share it with everyone you know. This information must become viral, if the economy of the United States is going to survive in the long run. This is a call for action. PLEASE, call the office of your representative in Congress, and your state's senators. The layoffs of 400 IT employees at the utility company Southern California Edison has finally caught their attention. The time for action is now. PLEASE -- call every politician you know. The only power the American worker still holds is their vote. The politicians need them. The corporate terminology used to describe this sordid business of laying off qualified American employees is called a reduction in force. As in, when you now get the pink slip, you say "I just got RIFFed" instead. Here is the obscene lie -- the workforce isn't being reduced. They're probably bringing in three or four foreign employees to replace one American worker, because they are that much cheaper than experienced American talent. Those numbers are empirical evidence, observed through personal experiences, not from some "study." The unemployment rate for American-born workers as a percentage of the workforce is at an all time high. Uber-rich businessmen and women have convinced Congress that their businesses cannot flourish without importing wave after wave of technically skilled people from India, China, and other sources of cheaper labor. So they literally bring in these people, have them trained by the U.S. employees, and then lay off the American … [Read more...]