The Pearl: 31 March 2015

You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance. – Khalil Gibran You're familiar with the expression, "Great minds think alike?" Proving the truth of that old proverb, the Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran and Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw have both said basically the same thing about prayer: that we pray for the wrong reasons. We don't give thanks to God for what we have. Instead, we mostly beg our Creator to give us what we don't have, as if God exists to serve us. … [Read more...]

The Pearl: 22 March 2015

Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. – Khalil Gibran David Piccioli is a man without pride. He wants a $30,000 pension -- for working one day as a substitute teacher. One day. This will be in addition to two other pensions Mr. Piccioli is already collecting, each in excess of $30,000. The private sector taxpayers in the state of Illinois are being robbed blind by union thugs like Piccioli. The state of Illinois currently has $331 billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. Largely due to the greed of crooks like David Piccioli. … [Read more...]