Unforgivable sin

Once upon a time, Jack Henry Abbott was serving time for forgery and manslaughter. However, Abbott managed to become pen pals with author Norman Mailer from his prison cell and then turned their correspondence into his bestselling book titled In the Belly of the Beast, which received a rave review from the New York Times. Despite the fact prison officials vehemently opposed his release and considered him unstable, Abbott was paroled after numerous liberal "Hollywood" elitists had championed his cause. Actress Susan Sarandon even went so far that she honored Abbott by naming her son with actor Tim Robbins "Jack Henry." Yet six weeks after his release from prison and with a nice five-figure advance on royalties in his pocket, Jack Henry Abbott senselessly murdered his waiter in a New York restaurant only the day before his book received that untimely rave New York Times review. It wasn't merely because he wrote well that Abbott was so readily forgiven his many horrible sins by people like Norman Mailer and Susan Sarandon. Jack Henry Abbott became successful in part because he wrote what liberal elitists wanted to read -- about how the criminal justice system was unfair to criminals, regardless of whether or not the criminal actually deserved punishment as decreed by our judicial system. What the elitists forgot, of course, was that forgiveness requires repentance. If you aren't sorry for your sins (all crimes are sins, but not all sins are crimes) then you don't deserve forgiveness. Jack Henry Abbott should not have been released from prison. Even so, … [Read more...]

I blame you for whatever is wrong with Miley Cyrus

Don't blame me. It's your fault. Yes, you. You buy her records. I don't. Obviously, you watch crap like the MTV Video Music Awards. Somebody does. I most certainly don't. You wrote about it on your blog, or talked about it on Facebook. You must, because somebody does. Okay, so I finally broke down and wrote about her too, but only in reaction to her first post-show interview. But I only intend to divulge the cure for crap like this that poses for entertainment, make my point, and move along; no dwelling on this subject. Here's the secret to putting an end to these lurid displays: turn the channel. Don't buy that CD. Avert your eyes from that train wreck. If I'm never as famous as Miley Cyrus is today, please listen and believe me as I give thanks to God. Whoever coined the phrase "ignorance is bliss" certainly had a valid point. The less I knew about the Miley Cyrus performance at the VMA, the better. Only a few years ago, my granddaughter idolized Miley Cyrus, at least in her Disney persona, Hannah Montana. What in God's name happened to Miley? I never watched the Disney program, of course, but my daughter assured me the show was harmless, wholesome entertainment. Thankfully, I also didn't watch Miley Cyrus perform her infamous "twerking" soft porn dance routine at the VMA, neither harmless or wholesome. It was nothing short of pathetic and disgusting. What message did that send to young and impressionable minds? Now if you were as blissfully ignorant about this twerking phenomenon as me, this video may help. Jae Tracie offered a … [Read more...]