A review of “Rescue Me” by Val Silver

Rescue Me: Tales of Rescuing the Dogs Who Became Our Teachers, Healers, and Always Faithful Friends by Val Silver My rating: 5 of 5 stars Rescue Me is a collection of tales about a subject I am personally very passionate about -- animal rescue. The stories are told by multiple people, and as a result some of them are more poignant than uplifting...the authors may not speak with "one" voice, but these stories told from the heart will almost certainly touch yours. The book is worth buying just for the story of Biscuit the "do-over" dog, that went from death row in the animal shelter to become a therapy dog. Another story that resonated with me personally were the delightful "Lollipop Can't Hold Her Licker" that opens with an unforgettable hook line: "Oh. My. Gawd. Your dog looks just like Gene Simmons." With their unified message, the authors said all the right things that another person familiar with the needs and difficulties and a passion for animal rescue wants to hear: spay and neuter. Adopt, don't shop. Senior dogs need homes, too. Animal rescue is a labor of love, and that love shines through in the stories in this collection. Amazon helped decide the number of stars this book deserved -- five stars meant that I loved reading it, and four meant that I only liked the book. While I found it objectionable that one author described the wonderful, baying voice of a Basset Hound as a "God-awful sound", I must admit that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, just as not every aficionado of music appreciates Gene Simmons of KISS. View all my reviews … [Read more...]