Dishonest skepticism

How would you describe outer space? Do you think you could draw a picture of deep space that someone else would recognize for what it represented? What would you draw? I have a confession to make: I usually enjoy the writing of famous skeptic Michael Shermer, and personally think he is an excellent author. In fact, I even bought the hardcover copy of his book Why People Believe Weird Things from the Roswell Public Library. Literally, I had some difficulty putting that book down when I was actively reading it a few years ago. In the spirit of full disclosure, I confess that I felt compelled to replace the original library copy because I accidentally got ketchup stains on a page and didn't want to give them back a book that I'd damaged. Otherwise, I probably would have settled for buying the more economically priced paperback copy to add to my book collection. I've admired the work of Mr. Shermer for some time. I even thought his guest appearance on Mr. Deity was hilarious, albeit in a somewhat sacrilegious sort of way. Probably the most famous skeptic in the world today, Mr. Shermer was the founding publisher of both Skeptic magazine and founder of the Skeptics Society. Interestingly, the word "skeptic" has been defined two different ways in the dictionary: a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions. synonyms: cynic, doubter; More PHILOSOPHY an ancient or modern philosopher who denies the possibility of knowledge, or even rational belief, in some sphere. Using those definitions … [Read more...]