Police state

W. C. Fields often joked about his birthplace of Philadelphia, even suggesting to Vanity Fair in 1925 that the epitaph on his tombstone should read:

Here lies W.C. Fields.  I would rather be living in Philadelphia.

Were I able to communicate with his ghost, my first question to Mr. Fields would probably be, “Is hell on Earth preferable to death?”

From everything I’ve watched or read about the Philadelphia police, I believe hell would be eternal confinement in Philadelphia at the mercy of these real-life “Keystone Kops.”

Youtube videos made by private citizens showing the Philadelphia police in action range from comical to frightening, multiple incidents of police brutality.

Philadelphia cops act like they’re members of Congress, completely above the law.

This article by John Stossel reports an incident in Philadelphia where a law abiding citizen was accosted, threatened and detained for almost an hour by a policeman who didn’t know the law.

While the story “sounds” hard to believe when you read the print, helpfully Stossel included a link to an audio recording the citizen published of the exchange.

Jurist John Selden famously said, “Ignorance of the law excuses no man.”

What excuse could Officer Dougherty for drawing his weapon on an individual offering to cooperate? Who wasn’t even breaking the law?

No man is above the law, not even a policeman.

If the recorded profanity-laced tirade by a policeman threatening a law-abiding citizen doesn’t send a chill down your spine, check your pulse. Make sure you’re still breathing.



  1. […] as I wrote the blog entry titled Police State, I deluded myself to believe the sort of incident described in the article was […]

  2. […] can we be sure that the district attorney won’t charge her with assaulting Mr. […]

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