The Pearl: 18 March 2015

AquinasTo one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. – Thomas Aquinas

This pearl of wisdom from St. Thomas Aquinas is a reminder for me that arguing online with atheists is such a terrible waste of my time.

My Counterargument for God has already covered every reason I could think to offer why design is superior to descent to explain why we have the variety of flora and fauna on Earth that we can easily observe.

I’ve discovered that most atheists won’t finish my book. They can’t even get past the section on Darwinism and my explanation why design is a superior argument.

Design is superior to descent for one simple reason.,,,life cannot evolve until it exists. Life cannot “descend” from inanimate matter. In other words, before evolution ever becomes possible, either supernatural creation, or stupendous good luck, has already occurred.

Of course, when St. Thomas uses the word “faith”, of course he means religious faith, or belief in a supernatural creator God.

But atheists also have faith, if only faith in their intelligence, and that of their peers. southernprose_cover_CAFG As a general rule, atheists apparently refuse to even consider the possibility that someone with religious beliefs could have experienced something they haven’t, or might know something they don’t.

However, observation is a crucial component of the scientific method, and I have observed phenomena in multiple personal experience that literally defies the laws of physics. Firsthand observation is empirical evidence, according to the scientific method.

The reason I have rejected descent as the better option is not because I have strong confirmation bias toward the evidence for design.

In fact, it’s the exact same evidence — meaning the fossil record, DNA, and comparative anatomy.

This realization poses the question: is it really that easy to believe that sex, isolation, and random mutations, which translates to luck, and of course, lots of time — coincidentally, more time is needed than would allow humans to observe the phenomena — is that really easier than believing in a superior intellect capable of reconfiguring DNA?

Remember this: if “descent” is really true, those factors: sex, time, isolation and mutation explain not only your relationship to the monkey, but also moss, the moth, and the moose.

Sex. Isolation. Time. And lots of good luck, of course.

To believe all that, you also must ignore all the evidence that implies the existence of an intelligent, supernatural Creator.

And some people will ignore any evidence that fails to conform to their pre-existing worldview.

Because their minds are closed.

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