Mental masturbation

When someone goes out of his or her way to ask me to do something very specific, I usually try to accommodate them, especially if the request is reasonable. Though I've been quite busy editing the draft of my coming novel Secondhand Sight, my friend Sean made a point of asking me to read Free Will by Sam Harris. I protested that I was busy writing and editing my novel. Readers of my first Robert Mercer mystery, titled Coastal Empire, have been clamoring for the sequel, which won't come after Secondhand Sight. I don't want interest to wane, while I'm screwing around reading another writer's book. Sean persuaded me by countering that the Harris book was short, and an "easy read." So I splurged on Amazon, shelling out $3.99 for the Kindle edition. What a sucker I am! Oh, it was short, all right. And an easy read. But more importantly, the book proved to be an utter waste of my time and money. Love ya, Sean, but I should have just kept writing. Do not assume that I fail to appreciate Sam Harris as a writer. On the contrary, I thought his book The End of Faith was quite good, though I disagreed with most of his conclusions. It was quite brave of Harris to admit that he believes in a spiritual facet of the universe that inexplicably exists, but cannot be defined in conventional, scientific terms. The "Fourth Horseman" clearly departed from Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins on that point.  Harris said he prefers the term "mysticism" to "spiritualism" to describe this phenomena he accepts, because he believes the latter term has more … [Read more...]

Kickstarting the Fonehook

I'm in the late stages of producing the completed first draft of my next novel to be published by Each Voice Publishing, which I'm calling Secondhand Sight, but occasionally I take a break and come up for air....Okay, so the truth is that I occasionally stop screwing around and get some real work done, but that's another story. The point of this article is to talk about the crowd funding phenomenon, and a new invention called the Fonehook. The idea to write it originated when I checked my email and found a very polite query from a gentleman named Anthony, who read something I'd published. He asked me to review his new product he's trying to market, a simple platform designed to safely hold your IPod, IPhone, Android, or other smart device. The product is clever, inexpensive, and designed well enough to do the job. Prepare the double-sided tape, put two screws into the wall, attach the Fonehook and tighten the screws, and that baby isn't going anywhere. The only drawbacks to the deal are that you have to buy in a minimum quantity of five Fonehooks for $20, and the screws apparently aren't included. You'd probably want more than one of these wall hangers for phones anyway, but may not have a use for all five. The ones you don't use, you can give away to family and friends. A small package of wood screws can be obtained from a hardware store for a dollar or two. Problem solved. This product reminded that my son's smart phone has a cracked screen precisely for the reason he didn't have a safe place for it when it wasn't in his pocket. After spending several hundred … [Read more...]

Captain Kudzu reviews Coastal Empire

David Thornton is a very busy man. He flies airplanes for a living. David also writes as the Atlanta Conservative Examiner, the National Aviation Examiner, and the Atlanta 2012 Elections Examiner. Recently, in his capacity as Examiner writer, David seized an opportunity to direct a question to the White House and received a direct response -- details of the exchange can be found here. In his spare time (amazingly, he seems to have some) David writes on his syndicated blog as Captain Kudzu. I'm flattered that he took the time to read and then post his review my novel, Coastal Empire. I'm beaming with pride, and appreciative of his kind words. … [Read more...]