Birthers versus truthers

In my rarely humble opinion, birthers are a kind of conspiracy nut. They believe that Barack Obama became POTUS without actually being a natural-born citizen, a requirement for holding the office as stipulated by the U.S. Constitution.

Surely Hillary Clinton would have discovered the truth and exposed Obama, assuming the slightest shred of evidence existed showing proof he’s not a natural-born citizen.  Even if she was only pretty sure. Democrats haven’t been known to be sticklers for details before making reckless accusations.

And Hillary really wanted to be president.  Therefore, I disagree with Donald Trump.

I think it’s a waste of time and possibly a diversion to question Obama’s citizenship.  Let’s concentrate on the damage he’s doing as President.  That ought to be plenty to keep the second coming of Jimmy Carter from re-election.

If Republicans are worried they will be called racist, allow me to attempt to set the collective minds at ease.

You’re going to be called racists, bigots, homophobes, and any other vile term of character assassination by people who have none.  Get over it.

Championing the birther claim is a non starter, in my opinion.

If Republicans really want to counter the racism claim in the next general election, they could draft a ticket of two excellent black conservative such as Allen West and Herman Cain.

I don’t care which has the top job: both are black, conservative, smart, and no B.S. kind of people.  Either would make a better President than Obama.

The Democrats have friends in the media helping them as much as possible.  Political cartoonist Mike Luckovich from the Atlanta Journal Constitution chose to illustrate the lunacy of birthers by comparing them to that sad human train-wreck, Charlie Sheen.

Luckovich made an extraordinarily poor choice of a candidate to make birthers look bad by comparison.  Charlie Sheen is a truther.

Truthers don’t get the attention of the mainstream media as much as birthers do. They are to Democrats what birthers are to Republicans and the mainstream media favors Democrats in their coverage.

For whatever reason, the media doesn’t like us to fixate on the lunatic fringe of the left.  Of course, almost half the Democrat party actually suspect President George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance and did nothing to stop them, looking for an excuse to go to war with Iraq.

They forget Afghanistan came first.

Truthers believe our own government conducted the actual terrorist attacks on September 11th or conspired with the killers.

One of their favorite movies is called Zeitgeist.   It pretends to be a documentary boasting that it proves banks steal our money, Jesus was a mythical person and  9/11 was an inside job.

Well, okay…banks do steal our money.

That means Zeitgeist is only batting .333 for “truth”, a good average for baseball but not for a documentary purporting to be truthful and accurate.

Another favorite movie of the Democrat conspiracy nut crowd is called Loose Change.

Same song, different tune.  America is run by the evil bad corporate thugs who prey on the innocent union worker, and the Muslim terrorists were framed.

The people who beheaded Nicholas Berg while he was still alive were simply scapegoats — in the minds of the leftist loony tunes.

Jared Loughner is a truther.

So which is scarier?  A birther or a truther?

I’m not afraid of Donald Trump.


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