The cowardly Mike Luckovich

Apparently, prestigious prizes ain’t what they used to be.

The downward spiral for the Nobel Prize began with Al Gore, awarded the Peace Prize for a movie that had nothing to do with peace. The film was nothing more than a propaganda tool advocating carbon taxes, disguised as a documentary.

Then, to make absolutely sure that everyone knew the Nobel Peace Prize had become a joke, Barack Obama won a Nobel Prize for not being George W. Bush.


Here’s some of what the Nobel committee wrote about Obama while giving him the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009:

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics.

This was a mere three months after his election, only a month after being sworn into office. While a senator, Obama developed something of a reputation for voting “present” as opposed to “yea” or “nay” on controversial legislation.

So early into his time in office, Obama hadn’t yet begun his efforts to completely destroy the reeling American economy. Still, the Nobel committee had faith in the neophyte president, for their vision of what ought to happen to America.

Their faith continues to be rewarded, even as I type these words.

Okay. So, the Nobel Prize sucks these days.

But the Pulitzer Prize is different–it’s only awarded to journalists who’ve reached the pinnacle of their profession…right?

Then why has Mike Luckovich won two Pulitzer Prizes?

Is he really that good? Or is the competition that bad?

As the editorial cartoonist of my hometown newspaper, Luckovich has been spewing ultra liberal claptrap and nonsense since 1989, typically playing to the worst, most blatant stereotypes to demonize conservative politicians.

Once in a blue moon he’ll gently chastise a Democrat for a really egregious transgression against boilerplate liberal Democrat policy–which is to spend lots of federal dollars on social engineering programs while they despise the military. At the same time, these ultra liberals unashamedly accuse conservatives of trying to do what they are actually doing–things like segregating and dividing the American people, creating strife through class warfare.

But it’s mostly to create an impression of being a moderate.

Republicans are frequently depicted by Luckovich as the party of angry white males who love their guns and hate black people.

All that aside, the Pulitzer Award committee spokesman said that choosing Luckovich was easy: “”His cartoons stood out as very pointed, very humorous and much sharper than everyone else’s.”

Really? As I speculated, there must not be very much in the way of competition…okay, so there are only about 90 eligible artists.

Still, one of 90, twice in less than 20 years? Perhaps not all of the cartoonists are sufficiently liberal for the Pulitzer people.

Ultra-liberal editor Cynthia Tucker wrote about his award, “Mike Luckovich is, quite simply, brilliant. His responses to the important social issues of our day range from wickedly funny to deeply poignant to decidedly irreverent. But they are always right on the money.”

True, Luckovich isn’t a bad artist–you can easily identify the target of his wrath most of the time. Newt Gingrich always has a very large head on a fat body–okay, maybe that one is a fair caricature.

As for his being wickedly funny…in your dreams. Wicked and vicious, yes.  Horribly wrong, absolutely.

But wickedly funny?

I cannot ever remember laughing out loud at one of his cartoons, over twenty years. Not once. Not even a snicker. He’s much too biased.

And right on the money…since when?

For example, today’s cartoon features Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the cartoonist’s take on Obama’s horrific gaffe in a recent speech, now an Internet sensation. You know the mistake…”if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.

Incredibly, Luckovich’s take on the fiasco is that Romney somehow edited words out of Obama’s speech. Romney has new campaign ads with which he’s pounding Obama for that crucial campaign blunder. So Luckovich is trying to rescue the president from his own speech.

This joke of a cartoonist just implied that Romney is cherry-picking from the actual words of what the president said to distort their meaning, as opposed to actually quoting Obama verbatim–which Romney did.

Wait a minute, Mikey! Did you mean that Romney was doing a hatchet job worthy of Andrea Mitchell?

Unfortunately, it is the media that can no longer be trusted to provide accurate information these days. I’m no shrink, but I think a psychiatrist might diagnose this as “projection”, Mikey.

In fact, during the same speech, as if to hammer the point that business owners didn’t create their businesses home, Obama also said, “If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.”

So, how exactly did Romney misrepresent the truth there, Mr. Luckovich? Did Romney commandeer control of the teleprompter and put the wrong words into Obama’s mouth?

I ask because the raw tape of his speech, in full context, is even worse. You can easily find it on YouTube, although with brilliant critiques of the speech such as this one by Charles Krauthammer.

Well played, A.B.

In that now infamous speech, Obama openly expressed socialist views that are anathema to the entrepreneurial spirit of the capitalist culture that is the very heart of American society and pumps the life-blood of economic growth.

In stark contrast, “Zo” clearly knows the importance of entrepreneurship and capitalism to our society. I now proudly consider myself aligned with the Zonation, not an Obama voter/zombie.

Obama, a man who never had a “real” job or even so much as ran a candy store, yet wrote two autobiographies before he accomplished anything, truly does not understand capitalism.

Luckovich once again demonstrates that he is intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt, distorting the truth of what actually transpired beyond recognition. Someone just waking up out of a coma might actually believe that Romney is lying about what Obama said, when the truth is that Luckovich is lying about Romney misrepresenting the actual words of Obama rather than quoting him.

And, being the coward that he is, the comments are turned off so that readers outraged by his gross distortions cannot respond to Luckovich.

But I have a blog, Mikey. And I’ll use it to speak my mind about your pathetic liberal nonsense, you piece of work.

You are a liar and a coward, sir.

You lied about what Obama said, and in turn accused Romney of doing something he didn’t do.

You are a coward because you routinely refuse to allow comments to be posted in response to your bed-wetting liberal B.S.

Comments on this article remain open.




  1. Glenn Edenfield says

    Excellent job of pointing out the continued libtard spin machine and the cowardly way they they go about their business. I have noticed repeatedly that articles, cartoons and opinion pieces with the most egregious distortions don’t/won’t allow comments. Thanks for using your platform to point this out as well as the reminder of how dishonestly, despicable cowards such as Mike Luckovich operate.

  2. Raiderbeater says

    I always want to respond to the biased crap Luckavich spills. He gets away with it daily as an “opinion” writer…..when it’s more like libel on his part as half of what he puts is his own lies. I think his cartoons once had a comments section but he stopped doing it along time ago from the backlash he got. Liberal awards decided by liberals will go to liberals. Hope he gets one every year from now on to continue to confirm the Pulitzer’s complete destruction.

  3. Don Price says

    You sir are spot on…Mike Luckovich is the most hate spewing, stereotyping, liberal spinmaster there is. His cartoons are pathetically false and misleading. He is a coward who hides behind a no comment opinion piece. Letters to the editors at AJC never get published criticizing his work. Wish I was endowed enough to buy space in the paper….I would buy a quarter page ad and run a CONSERVATIVE cartoon daily to counteract his venom! His speech is HATE speech and should be recognized as such.

  4. Well, it’s clear that Suckovich can’t stand up to other people’s opinions or criticism, because the AJC doesn’t allow comments on his cartoons, either. But, I agree with your premise. To me, these awards don’t hold much prestige any more.

  5. I am so glad there is someone who was able to point out how horrible Luckovich, espcially as a humorist. It is possible that he could as liberal as he is but still be funny at times. But his are not even the least bit funny. There often predictable, repetitive, and nothing but covered in agenda. If Obamacare were happening under a GOP President he would have a jab every day but I think he has maybe done it twice. He has more references to the Braves moving to Cobb! I don’t even know why he is picking on that subject? Oh wait I know. Its all about race and class. He can find that in just about anything. But there is no doubt he is a coward because how many posts have the comments sections turned off? Hide behind your pen and keeping churning out the worst in the business.

  6. KPaul Davis says

    When I hear the name Luckovich….I immediately think of the word “coward”.

  7. He is a piece of shit

  8. says

    Just found this blog. Looks good. I would like to add that the Nobel Peace Prize was further devalued with its being awarded to Yassir Arafat.

    As for Luckovich, being an Atlanta-area native, I have been exposed to his “values and wisdom” for decades (though I haven’t sought out any of his cartoons in years). I can think of a few (less than 6) that “reached across politics and appealed to a wider audience”, IMHO.

    One of them was after Lewis Grizzard’s passing when Lewis was depicted as entering “the Pearly Gates” with his typewriter and being greeted by his faithful dog “Catfish”. I about cried over that one. (The morning coffee hasn’t yet kicked in, I hope I have the dog’s name correct.)

    Another that I cried over was one in the immediate wake of 9/11, when Mike depicted NYFD firefighters entering “the Pearly Gates” and conveying the radio message “We’ve reached the top”.

    (Disclaimer: I don’t normally cry over editorial cartoons, but I have my sensitive side.)


  1. […] the bandwagon, this time associating celebrity cook Paula Deen with the Ku Klux Klan. And yes, the cowardly Mike Luckovich once again left the comment section […]

  2. […] I would be helping pay the salary of the cowardly Mike Luckovich ranks at the very top of the […]

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