Breaching “The Bulwark”

According to the dictionary, a bulwark is a defensive wall-sort of like the wall President Trump wants to build on the southern border to prevent illegal immigration. Hadrian's Wall and the Great Wall of China are probably the two best known examples of bulwarks constructed in an attempt to halt the advance of an invading army. The Bulwark is a website that curiously describes itself as “a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free of the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices.”   Which really means The Bulwark probably ought to be called The Bulls##t instead, because they are full of it. Question: do podcasts count as televised news programs? These people certainly are not competing with Fox News or even CNN for viewers. Founded by former conservative, former radio host Charlie Sykes, The Bullwark employs Never Trumpers such as Bill Kristol, Sykes’ former boss at The Weekly Standard, and Mona Charen, the theoretically conservative author of propaganda such as “How a Democrat Can Win Over a Never-Trumper”, published at Politico. They are the closest thing resembling conservatives that this alleged “news network” employs. Most of the other writers seem to be pure liberals with credentials as contributors to CNN and MSNBC, or members of Common Cause, which is currently raising money and advocating for mail-in voting. Tim Miller is described as “senior adviser to the anti-Trump Our Principles PAC”, whatever that’s supposed to be. This might explain why the website hasn't become more popular…I remained … [Read more...]

An open letter to David Hogg

Hello David, My name is John. The only thing about me that's important for you to know other than my name is that I'm old enough to be your father, and I am writing this with the best of intentions. I'd like to help you if possible, not hurt you. I truly have your best interests at heart, whether you choose to believe it or not. So I'm going to speak to you as your father should be doing, and as if I were speaking to my own son--who is actually ten years older than you. I'm offering you the same advice I would give Matthew, if he were in the same situation as you at this moment: please, for the love of God, stop talking. Why in the hell your own parents haven't already had this conversation with you is another topic and possibly beyond my comprehension. But Hillary Clinton once claimed that it takes a village to raise a child, so for once in my life, I'm going to pretend she actually knew what she was talking about, and assume that writing this letter is a good idea. In my opinion, you must learn to choose your words very carefully, before you speak. Why? Because people are currently listening to you. You've got just about everyone's attention. That can work against you. This cliche that sounds like an ominous warning is actually a truth I learned as a child--be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. If you wanted to be famous, consider that goal achieved. You have gone through a very stressful and traumatic experience, one about which I can empathize, at least to some degree. When I was about your age, I got into a heated argument … [Read more...]