Do All Black Lives Matter?

Do all black lives matter, according to the protestors? Or only some? Do white lives ever matter? Asking for a friend…which happens to be me. My life matters to me. Call me selfish if you want, but it's true. Nobody wants to be a victim. Though I've accepted the idea that I'm going to die one day, all things being equal, I'd rather not die today. Several decades from now, preferably in my sleep, would be my preference, but we don't always get to choose when and how we die. I think it's safe to say nobody would choose to die lying on a street with someone's knee on their neck. With the possible exception of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and his three fellow officers on the scene, it would appear safe to say we can all agree that George Floyd’s life mattered. His life ended much too quickly and violently for an overwhelming majority of Americans. Most of us have seen the video; we’ve felt helpless outrage from seeing the life of a human being so perniciously ended by law enforcement for no justifiable reason. It was awful. Outrageous. Way beyond the pale. It's like Selma all over again, if you believe the movies (I'm not old enough to remember the news coverage of Selma.) It's like looking at a picture of Emmett Till's mutilated body and realizing that's the butchered corpse of a child. If you could watch a video of George Floyd's "arrest" and think what was happening was perfectly all right, I'm going to offend you by saying there is something really wrong with you. While it may be debatable whether or not the suspicion of … [Read more...]