Nathan Phillips, publicity whore

Nathan Phillips

If you’re just waking up from a deep coma, you might not have heard of Nathan Phillips or Covington Catholic High School. You’re definitely in the minority, because pretty much everybody else with access to a television knows who they are. If you’ve only listened to Hollyweird liberals and the mainstream media, you may not even be aware of the role the Black Hebrew Israelites played in the controversial encounter. Naturally, the media portrayed a group of teens attending a March for Life (anti-abortion) rally as a mob of racist, Trump-supporting white hoodlums surrounding and taunting a poor Native American simply trying to lead a prayer vigil because it so conveniently fit their narrative, which is to depict Trump supporters (and especially pro-life demonstrators) as a bunch of intolerant Neanderthals with the stated goal of taking away a woman’s right to choose to abort her child, and often for the sake of convenience.

Fortunately for the kids from Covington Catholic, other people who weren’t trying to deliberately false narrative about what really happened were also at the Lincoln Memorial and had their cameras. The real story was a far cry from the original narrative peddled to the media by Mr. Phillips.

The students from Covington had gathered at the Lincoln Memorial as instructed by their chaperones in advance of their return trip home when a small, militant group of black men calling themselves Black Hebrew Israelites approached them and began shouting racist and homophobic epithets at the teenagers. At that point the only offense committed by the Covington teens was that several in the group were wearing the red MAGA caps associated with President Donald Trump. Frequently, the insane liberal might assault the wearer of the hat and try to steal it, but these BHI thugs were seriously outnumbered, so they contented themselves with verbally abusing the young men. The Covington kids were called white devils and taunted as being “a bunch of faggots made out of incest.”

How charming. Naturally, the mainstream media neglected to mention any of that happening prior to Mr. Phillips’ entry from stage left. The media version quickly became that the innocent hero Vietnam War hero was simply trying to diffuse a tense situation caused by the racist upbringing of these spoiled white children by praying and beating his drum in a kid’s face, but he was surrounded and harassed by these rude, obnoxious white conservative Christian teens because that’s what Phillips told them happened. It fit all too well into the media’s existing bias and prejudice against Trump supporters and voters, so the story was reported before it was investigated.

Unsurprisingly, liberals thirsty for conservative blood were quick to show their repulsive true colors. Several lunatics began openly calling for these young men to be literally assaulted and injured. Some slut named Sarah Beattie was offering blow jobs to anybody who would punch one of the kids in the face. Not to be outdone, an idiot DJ in California suggested that the school should be set on fire with the children inside, and that his listeners should shoot anyone trying to escape. Kathy Griffin had nothing interesting or worthwhile to say, but that didn’t stop her from tweeting hateful profanities. A producer with Disney credits (Jack Morrissey) tweeted the unforgettable body-through-the-wood-chipper scene from Fargo because he thought it would be an amusing contribution to the ongoing conversation. These are some truly despicable people merely revealing their true nature, triggered by a shameless liar and political agitator.

Mr. Phillips claimed to serve in the Vietnam War. He didn’t. He alleged that the boys chanted “Build the wall!” They didn’t. He said the boys were the aggressors in their exchange with the BHI. The exact opposite is true, and Phillips knew it. He claimed the boys approached and surrounded him. They didn’t. Phillips was clearly the instigator; he got in their faces. The very next day after the incident at the Lincoln Memorial, Mr. Phillips was prevented from disrupting Saturday evening Mass at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception with his drums and “prayer” chanting. Security had to lock the doors to keep him out.

What Phillips was after

Phillips isn’t a hero or a good guy, a nice guy, or a sincerely religious guy. He’s nothing but an attention whore. Why the media gave this prevaricating provocateur the time of day is painfully obvious–the students were wearing MAGA hats, and the mainstream media hates Donald Trump. He’s the real villain of the piece…the BHI morons were useful idiots. The press had to hide or downplay the role they played in the story. They wanted to believe the B.S. that Phillips was feeding them. Fake news, indeed.

The kids may have been exonerated, but they will nevertheless suffer the consequences of their non-actions for years to come, as actress Patricia Heaton so eloquently noted. If you don’t believe her, ask one of the former members of the Duke lacrosse team. Phillips audaciously lied and slandered these young men when he said: “They were in the process of attacking these four black individuals. I was there and I was witnessing all of this. … As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know? You see something that is wrong and you’re faced with that choice of right or wrong.”

Except we now know none of that happened as Phillips described, but some people will continue to believe the lie because it agrees with their existing cognitive bias. By the way, and speaking of right versus wrong, isn’t telling deliberate and malicious lies about children that are the exact opposite of the truth is about as wrong as you can get?

In fact, it’s pretty damned evil, if you ask me. I’m inspired to borrow a ubiquitous line that can be heard in many cowboy-and-Indian movies to say Mr. Phillips speaks with a forked tongue.

Just like you’d expect a snake to do.


  1. I personally would like to see a public apology given to the young man. He stood there in his age of youth and didn’t do anything but act more mature than the adults that sided with the false discussions about him . Once Phillips locked eyes with the young student was still respectful enough to stand at attention. The young man also during the confusion of Phillips and his tactics did settle one of his own student peers and motion that he not argue/debate with the other ingionous character that was part of Phillips clan. This young man in my eyes was in a situation that no one sees except the news reporter that didn’t bring that video forward. If by chance you seek through the videos you’ll see a 30 plus old blackman sitting on the ground in attire from Niger, that man was taking footage the entire time. Even The footage of Phillips walking up to the young man and walking away from the young man. Phillips never intended on walking up those steps at the memorial.

  2. Well said, John. Thanks for also including article about Patricia Heaton! Sad state of affairs!

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