The Good Shepherd

Grant Brown Whenever I encounter anyone in a uniform--paramedic, police officer, fireman, military, etc. I will take the opportunity to thank them for their service. I'm the guy who prefers to run away from gunfire or a burning building, but those brave men and women run straight toward danger. John 15:13 reads, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In my opinion, anyone willing to put his or her life at risk in order to provide a service to our community deserves to be treated with the utmost respect. I don't care how much they are paid--when asked to confront a homicidal maniac or go out into horrible weather conditions to assist an accident victim, they go to work and do the job most of us don't have the courage or stomach to perform. All too often these people are vilified and targeted by the very people they serve for doing what the community has asked them to do, and yet they continue to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. On the other hand, service professionals do at least receive a paycheck. The Bible talks about laying down your life for your friends, but what about putting yourself at risk for a total stranger? What if the person you're trying to save has a different skin color, one you've been taught not to trust and maybe even to hate? Only one word can describe a person who would run full speed at a vicious dog mauling a neighbor without hesitation, not even long enough to pick up something to use as a weapon in self defense, and the word is "hero." But even then, that word seems sort of … [Read more...]

Why CNN is fake news

CNN had a brazen headline on an article written by Chris Cillizza recently that declared, "Donald Trump warns people to beware of non-existent voter fraud", leaving little or no doubt about the position the alleged news network would be taking on the subject of voter fraud in the coming election. And what might be the problem with this headline, you ask? Well, claiming that voter fraud doesn't exist ought to mean that no matter how hard I try, I shouldn't be able to search the internet and find an article listing ten examples of voter fraud, should I? Perhaps the question I should be asking is this: why doesn't Chris Cillizza appear to know how to use a search engine? Why can a woefully underpaid professional writer like me find pertinent information that completely escaped the attention of an overpaid media personality like Cillizza so easily? photo by CNN When I read the news from legitimate news sources not named CNN, I can find articles claiming that Habersham County here in Georgia had a whopping 243 percent voter turnout. In Detroit, 37 percent of the reporting precincts had more votes than registered voters in a recent election, so the problem isn't isolated. I shouldn't be able to type "voter fraud convictions" and find stories about a voter fraud scandal for profit orchestrated by Democrats in Texas, should I? Yet I can find numerous examples of voter fraud by searching online rather easily. Maybe Chris Cillizza only uses Google, which appears to censor content by manipulating search results. For example, when I typed "voter fraud" in Google's search … [Read more...]