My Campaign for POTUS, Day 1

Miss this guy yet? This writing exercise is a quasi-serious attempt to create a platform from which this country would be governed, should I get elected by some small miracle.The beauty of Donald Trump is that he showed literally anybody is able to run for President of the United States, or POTUS. Personally, I would be happy if Trump ran and won again in 2024, but there is a lot of time between now and then, the forces marshaled against Trump still remain in positions of power, and Democrats are frantically trying to change voting rules so they would never lose another election. If elected, of course I would humbly serve, at least one full term or until someone managed to assassinate me, whichever comes first. My campaign will be fully independent. I will not join either political party at this point in my life just on general principle, although I will concede I have far more disdain for the liberal-controlled Democratic Party than Republicans in principle. However, there is clearly a "Deep State" uni-party where Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell play off each other like Abbott and Costello or Laurel and Hardy, except neither politician is really the straight man. I've got quite a few things on my chest related to politics but I've decided not put them out one at a time so I blog about something on a daily basis for a while as part of this experiment. I'll give more details on my overall political philosophy in time, but for now I just want to communicate one simple idea with which I believe almost every American who isn't a politician would agree: PLATFORM … [Read more...]