What is a miracle?

In my previous article about the healing power of the mind, I confessed that I have been praying for my mother to be healed from an incurable disease that has dramatically affected her speech. In that article, I revealed that I had received a most unexpected (but welcome) email from spiritual healer Carol Everett, inspiring me to ask for her help. If you happened to read that article, you might be wondering how my mother is doing. Well, in my honest opinion, she's doing much better. In fact, I'd have to say that my mother's condition has improved significantly. However, if you asked me if my mother has been completely healed, I'd have to say no...at least, not yet. Helped, or improved, absolutely. But completely healed? No. Not yet. What does this mean? How should I interpret what I would describe as good, but not an instantaneous cure? Should I be discouraged? I don't think so. Was I asking too much of God, to heal an elderly woman? Absolutely not. The Creator of this universe from absolutely nothing, the Animator of lifeless matter into a living organism, can literally do anything He wants. This "naturally" includes healing the sick and even resurrecting the dead. However, the phrasing of that sentence was deliberate and crucial to get right...it's what God wants, not what I want, that matters. God is our Creator, not our personal valet. It would be arrogant and foolish to make demands of God. Admittedly, some atheists have created websites asking clever questions like "why won't God heal amputees?" to mock the idea that literally, there is nothing … [Read more...]

The healing power of the mind

In a world where people routinely profit from telling lies by deliberately spreading "fake news", how can we know what is true? Quid est veritas? Before Pilate was born and long after he died, people still ask that same question: what is truth? Perhaps the better question is this: what does it profit a man should he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul? What should a man receive in exchange for his soul? In the big scheme of things, from my perspective money is nothing but a colored piece of paper. Frankly, if I only cared about how much income I can earn as a writer, I'd have set up a Patreon account and solicit donations to support my work. Honestly, I wouldn't even consider writing an article like this if my only concern was making money, because this is the sort of article that could basically alienate my entire audience. While I don't wear my Christianity on my sleeve and I don't try to market myself as a Christian writer, I've also made it crystal clear that I am fairly convinced that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, and God raised him from the dead. The first section of my book Counterargument for God was mostly an argument advocating the idea of intelligent design over blind (and lucky) natural processes and effects, but the second section provided a rather rigorous defense of my Christian faith against the most common and popular criticisms. Of course, if you don't believe the soul exists, then it isn't worth anything to you. A few atheists have even tried to sell their souls on eBay, because they only place value on material wealth. What we choose to … [Read more...]

Carol Everett, psychic healer

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Several years ago, while writing for the now defunct Examiner.com website as the Atlanta Creationism Examiner, I learned of credible (and incredible) claims about the healing power of the human mind that practically defy the human imagination, and wrote about the allegedly amazing accomplishments of psychic healers such as Geoff Boltwood and Henry Rucker.  One of the psychic healers I wrote about was a woman named Carol Everett. In the spirit of full disclosure,  before I re-publish my original article or write anything more, I need to share some information with readers: First, I have corresponded with Ms. Everett several times, but we have never met. I have not been offered any financial incentives to intentionally deceive anyone to her benefit. Second, what attracted me to this original story I wrote several years ago was the fact that a respected medical doctor had been willing to put his reputation on the line to scientifically test Carol's reported psychic healing ability. One of the most frequent criticisms my atheist friends offer in regard to my personal beliefs is the purported lack of scientific evidence. Third, and perhaps most important of all, is that the reader should be aware that I'm inclined to believe that Carol's reported abilities are legitimate. For the same reason I'm willing to risk scorn and ridicule for writing about what I honestly believe to be real based on what I've learned from interviews with the people involved. Neither the doctors, patients allegedly cured, nor I have motive to lie on Carol's behalf. I wouldn't … [Read more...]