Carol Everett, psychic healer

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Several years ago, while writing for the now defunct website as the Atlanta Creationism Examiner, I learned of credible (and incredible) claims about the healing power of the human mind that practically defy the human imagination, and wrote about the allegedly amazing accomplishments of psychic healers such as Geoff Boltwood and Henry Rucker.  One of the psychic healers I wrote about was a woman named Carol Everett. In the spirit of full disclosure,  before I re-publish my original article or write anything more, I need to share some information with readers: First, I have corresponded with Ms. Everett several times, but we have never met. I have not been offered any financial incentives to intentionally deceive anyone to her benefit. Second, what attracted me to this original story I wrote several years ago was the fact that a respected medical doctor had been willing to put his reputation on the line to scientifically test Carol's reported psychic healing ability. One of the most frequent criticisms my atheist friends offer in regard to my personal beliefs is the purported lack of scientific evidence. Third, and perhaps most important of all, is that the reader should be aware that I'm inclined to believe that Carol's reported abilities are legitimate. For the same reason I'm willing to risk scorn and ridicule for writing about what I honestly believe to be real based on what I've learned from interviews with the people involved. Neither the doctors, patients allegedly cured, nor I have motive to lie on Carol's behalf. I wouldn't … [Read more...]